Healing Haiti was founded in 2006 by aunt and uncle, Jeff Gacek and Alyn Shannon. The Mission seeks to serve those living in absolute poverty in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere by bringing free, clean water to the slums of Cite Soleil (the poorest and most dangerous part of the Western Hemisphere), sponsoring 75 orphaned children, providing teachers' salaries at 3 schools (and sponsoring the education of many children), and caring for 30 elderly in Haiti. The organization is working on many aspects of Haiti's growth by supporting local Haitian's with food, clean water, education, and jobs. A new orphanage called Grace Village just completed it's first phase in 2011, and 40 orphans now live, sleep, and eat in a environment that is clean, safe, and well-beyond comparable to the living space they once occupied. It is a mission that is more than just spreading the word of God-- it is a mission that is working towards being the hands and feet of Christ in our world in order to bring glory to God.
For more information about the mission, check out the website: http://www.healinghaiti.org/
To donate to the mission: http://www.healinghaiti.org/pages/Money/
*To donate specifically to our team, please write in the "comments" section at check out that it is for Kristina's June mission team.
* To donate for a specific team member, put his/her name in the "comment" section at check out!
* To donate for a specific team member, put his/her name in the "comment" section at check out!
Jeff Gacek and Alyn Shannon in Haiti.
It is a challenge in the world we live in to put God at the center of our lives, and keep Him there, but that is what we seek to do every day. When we get to heaven, and we stand before our Lord, and He asks, “What did you do with the gifts I gave you?” we want to say “We used them for the purpose You put us on earth to fulfill. We sought to become more like You and 'live a life of love'.” Ephesians 5:2
I would love to hear how others can help! I know you're in haiti now - so when you have time, feel free to email me! thank you so much! goodmans.8.11.12@gmail.com - god bless you and these trips!